Lighting is essential to maintain a safe and productive workplace. Well-lit parking lot and roadways also provide for a safer environment.

Partnering with engineers and lighting professionals ECS can provide a safe well-lit environment for any lighting need. Focusing on industrial facilities, parking lots, roadways and walk ways ECS has a solution for you.

Lighting Services:

  • LED retrofits to existing lighting systems
  • Lighting surveys and recommendations for existing lighting replacements
  • Lighting surveys and recommendations for parking lot and field lighting
  • Turnkey installation of parking lot, street, and sports field lighting to include conduit and wire installations, concrete pole base installation, along with fixture and pole
  • Lighting repair and maintenance services to include:

    • • LED Lamp and Driver Replacements
    • • Traditional Fluorescent & HID lamp and ballast replacements
    • • Signage repairs
    • • General maintenance services